Friday, December 3, 2021

FAQ: Wheelchair Symbol Plates And Persons With A Disability Placards

Why do I have to recertify?

New Jersey State law now requires that Persons with a Disability wheelchair symbol plates and placards expire every three years. Upon expiration, a person must re-submit an application and all supporting documentation. This includes a new medical certification from a qualified medical practitioner that the qualifying disability continues to exist. The medical certification must be dated within 60 days of submitting your application.

I did not receive my renewal application for my placard. Can you mail me one?

The law requires that persons with a disability be recertified every three years in order obtain a new placard. Please review the application. Checklist for recertification instructions.

I have the completed application with the medical script. Can I mail it in?

Yes, you can mail it to:

Application processing will take approximately four to six weeks.

What do I do with the old placard? I have to apply for a New Jersey placard/plate. I do not have a New Jersey license. What documents do I need?

You will need the completed application, medical script or letter, 6 Points of ID and proof of residential address. Review the checklist for instructions.

Who can certify the medical documentation?

Certifications can only be authorized by the following: a physician, podiatrist, chiropractic physician, physician assistant or nurse practitioner licensed to practice in this State or a bordering state or a physician stationed at a military or naval installation located in this State who is licensed to practice in any state.

Will submitting this application affect my CDL privileges?

If you hold a current CDL and apply for a Person with a Disability placard or wheelchair symbol license plates for yourself, your application will be reviewed by the MVC’s Medical Unit to determine if your condition may compromise your ability to safely operate a commercial vehicle.

How does the new law affect my wheelchair symbol license plates?

The person with the disability is required to be recertified every three years. The MVC will provide the person with the disability an identification card that is valid for three years to correspond with their medical certification.

My spouse (or other person with a qualifying disability) is deceased or moved out of New Jersey. What should I do with the identification card, placard, and/or wheelchair symbol license plates?

The identification card, placard, and/or wheelchair symbol license plates and a letter indicating the circumstances should be mailed to:

License plates should either be surrendered to a motor vehicle agency, or mailed along with a letter of explanation to:

New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission PO Box 125 Trenton, New Jersey 08666-0125

My placard is lost or damaged. How do I get a replacement placard?

You can visit a motor vehicle agency to acquire a replacement placard. If your placard is damaged, bring the damaged placard, and your original Person with a Disability Identification Card and the completed application. If your placard is lost, bring your original Person with a Disability Identification Card, a notarized statement attesting to the loss of the placard and the completed application. There is no fee for a replacement placard.

I lost my “Person with a Disability Identification Card.” How do I get a replacement identification card?

You can visit a motor vehicle agency to acquire a replacement identification card. If your identification card is lost, bring your placard, a notarized statement attesting to the loss of the identification card and the completed application. There is no fee for a replacement identification card.

If you cannot get to a motor vehicle agency, you may replace your placard by mail using the same documents. Send to:

I do not have either my placard or “Person with a Disability Identification Card.” How do I get replacements?

If your placard and identification card are both lost, visit a motor vehicle agency with a driver’s license or other form of identification (see 6 Points of ID), a notarized statement attesting to the loss of the placard and identification card with the completed application. If the placard has expired, you must be recertified by a qualified medical practitioner.

I have more than one vehicle that I drive. Can I get two sets of plates or two placards?

No. Qualifying individuals may choose only one of three options:

- One set of wheelchair symbol license plates. - One person with a disability placard. One set of plates. One placard.

This provision is based on the fact that the placard can be used in any vehicle in which you are the driver/passenger as long as you have your Person with a Disability Identification Card with you.

How do I apply for a “Wheelchair Symbol” parking sign for the front of my home?

The application and review process for “wheelchair symbol” parking signs does not fall under the jurisdiction of the MVC. You should inquire with your municipal clerk’s office or office of traffic. Parking (often within the police department) to determine the application process. It varies from town-to-town, although most municipalities will only issue parking signs for vehicles with wheelchair symbol license plates, not for placards.

What is the quickest way to acquire a placard or plates?

Download and print the Application for Vehicle License Plate and/or Placard for Persons with a Disability, visit a motor vehicle agency, or call the MVC’s Customer Support Line at 609-292-6500 to request that an application form be mailed to you. Complete the form according to the Wheelchair Symbol Plate and Placard Checklist and present it at a motor vehicle agency for same-day processing.

My spouse (or other qualified person with a disability) cannot complete the application and/or is unable travel to an Agency to file their application. Can someone else complete. Deliver the application for them?

Yes, the application can be completed by another individual but the form must be signed by the applicant. (If the applicant cannot sign the form, a Power of Attorney must be included with the application package). A third party may bring the application to a motor vehicle agency for same day processing so long as the individual has proper identification. A notarized statement from the person with a disability giving them permission to act on their behalf.

Can I apply for a temporary placard while waiting for my permanent placard to arrive?

No. New Jersey law does not provide for the issuance of temporary placards for anything other than temporary disabilities. If your circumstances do not allow for the normal processing time, you should pursue the “same day processing” option. See “What is the quickest way to acquire a placard or plates?” above.

After sending in my application, how long must I wait for my placard/plates to arrive?

Generally, the MVC requires four to six weeks to issue plates and placards; additional time should be allowed for mailing. The Wheelchair Symbol Plate and Placard Checklist is available to help ensure that the application form is completed accurately. Using the checklist will help avoid delays in processing.

Thursday, December 2, 2021

Disability Parking Placards And Plates

Special parking privileges are available for individuals with certain disabilities. Those whose disability is certified by a health care provider as having a permanent disability may be eligible for a Person with Disability Registration Plate or a permanent Person with Disability Parking Placard. Those whose disability is temporary may be eligible for a temporary Person with Disability Parking Placard. A Person with Disability Registration Plate is assigned to a vehicle record. Therefore the disabled person must be listed on the vehicle record as a registrant.

A Person with Disability Parking Placard is issued to the disabled person for their use in any vehicle being operated exclusively by or for the benefit of a person with disability and may only be used when those persons are actually being transported in the vehicle.

A Disabled Veteran Registration Plate is issued to an individual who has any percentage service-connected disability, certified by a Veterans Administration regional office administrator (Philadelphia or Pittsburgh) or service unit in which the veteran served. Note: No special parking privileges are associated with this registration plate.

A Severely Disabled Veteran Registration Plate is issued to an individual who has a 100 percent service-connected disability, certified by a Veterans Administration regional office administrator (Philadelphia or Pittsburgh) or service unit in which the veteran served.

Defining a “Person with Disability Parking Placard”

A Person with Disability Parking Placard is a special parking placard issued by PennDOT to a person who meets the qualifications as listed in “Who is Eligible?” This parking placard is to be displayed on the rearview mirror when a vehicle is utilizing a parking space reserved for person with disabilities.

Defining a “Person with Disability Registration Plate”

A Person with Disability Registration Plate is a special parking registration plate issued by PennDOT to a person who meets the qualifications as listed in "Who is Eligible?". This registration plate is displayed on the rear of the vehicle at all times. The person with the disability must also be listed as a registered owner of the vehicle unless the vehicle owner is a person in loco parentis of a qualified person.

What are the Benefits of a Person with Disability Parking Placard or Person with Disability Registration Plate?

Parking is permitted in spaces designated for disabled persons and for 60 minutes in excess of legal parking period except where local ordinances or police regulations provide for the accommodation of heavy traffic during morning, afternoon or evening hours.

Upon request of a person with disability, local authorities may erect a sign(s) on the highway as close as possible to the person's residence indicating that the place is reserved for the person with a disability, that no one else may park there unless a person with disability plate or placard is displayed and that any unauthorized person parking there will be subject to a fine.

Types of Placards

There are several types of placards available. These are: Person with Disability Permanent Parking Placard (valid for a period of five years) Severely Disabled Veteran Person with Disability Parking Placard (valid for five years) Person with Disability Temporary Parking Placard (valid up to six months) Severely Disabled Veteran Motorcycle Decal (valid during motorcycle registration period)

Who is Eligible?

A person with a disability listed below that is certified by a health care provider. Eligibility includes a person who:

1. Is blind; 2. Does not have full use of an arm or both arms 3. Cannot walk 200 feet without stopping to rest; 4. Cannot walk without use of, or assistance from, a brace, cane, crutch, another person, prosthetic device, wheelchair or other assistive device; 5. Is restricted by lung disease to such an extent the person's forced (respiratory) expiratory volume for one second, when measured by spirometry, is less than one liter or the arterial oxy tension is less than 60 MM/HG on room air at rest; 6. Uses portable oxygen; 7. Has a cardiac condition to the extent the person's functional limitations are classified in severity as Class III or Class IV according to the standards set by the American Heart Association; 8. Is severely limited in his or her ability to walk due to an arthritic, neurological or orthopedic condition; 9. Is in loco parentis of a person specified in one of the above mentioned disabilities

NOTE: Only one Person with Disability Parking Placard may be issued to an individual. In addition, only one Person with Disability Registration Plate may be issued to an individual. However, a qualifying individual may apply for a registration plate and a placard.

How to Apply for an Original Placard

There is no fee required for the issuance of a Person with Disability Parking Placard. There are two different forms available to be completed in order to obtain a Person with Disability or Severely Disabled Veteran Placard or Severely Disabled Veteran Motorcycle Decal. These applications require notarization.

Form MV-145A, “Person with Disability Parking Placard Application” Form MV-145V, "Application for Disabled Veteran, Severely Disabled Veteran Registration Plate or Severely Disabled Veteran Motorcycle Plate Decal."

Submit the above form to: PennDOT Bureau of Motor Vehicles P.O. Box 68268 Harrisburg, PA 17106-8268

NOTE: Only one Person with Disability Parking Placard is issued to qualified applicants. Organizations that transport persons with disabilities may receive up to eight (8) placards in the organization’s name to be used when transporting persons with disabilities.

How to Apply for an Original Person with Disability Registration Plate

The form to obtain a Person with Disability or Hearing Impaired Registration Plate or a Person with Disability Motorcycle Plate is the MV-145, “Person with Disability or Hearing Impaired Registration Plate or a Person with Disability Motorcycle Plate.” Notarization and a fee of $11.00 are required.

Submit the above forms to: PennDOT Bureau of Motor Vehicles 1101 South Front Street Harrisburg, PA 17104

How to Renew a Placard

Permanent placards are renewed in March and September each year. You will be mailed a renewal form approximately 60 days prior to its expiration. If you do not receive a renewal application, you should complete Form MV-145A, “Person with Disability Parking Placard Application.”

NOTE: Temporary Person with Disability Parking Placards may not be renewed. Temporary Person with Disability Placard applications must be recertified by a licensed health care provider when a temporary placard has expired and a placard is still required for a period not to exceed six months.

How to Renew a Person with Disability Registration Plate or Person with Disability Motorcycle Registration Plate

Person with Disability Registration Plates are renewed in the same manner as all registration plates. They are valid for one year. You will be mailed a renewal form approximately 90 days prior to its expiration. If you do not receive a renewal application, you should complete Form MV-140, “Request for Registration.”

How to Apply for a Replacement Person with Disability Placard

You may apply for a replacement Person with Disability Parking Placard by completing Form MV-145A ,“Person with Disability Parking Placard Application.” Your previous placard number will be listed as the previous placard on PennDOT’s computer system. If the placard is ever located, it must be returned to PennDOT because it will now be null and void. NOTE: If the replacement request is for a temporary placard, the placard will be issued for the balance of the time remaining on the original temporary placard issued.

How to Apply for a Replacement Person with Disability Plate

You may apply for a replacement person with Disability Registration Plate by completing Form MV-44, “Application for Duplicate Registration Card, Replacement of Registration Plate, Renewal Sticker or Weight Class Sticker,” indicating the reason for the replacement. This form is submitted to PennDOT with a replacement plate fee of $11.00.

How to Apply for a Replacement Person with Disability Motorcycle Plate

You may apply for a replacement Person with Disability Motorcycle Registration Plate by completing Form MV-44, “Application for Duplicate Registration Card, Replacement of Registration Plate, Renewal Sticker or Weight Class Sticker,” indicating the reason for the replacement. This form is submitted to PennDOT with a replacement plate fee of $11.00.

How Do I Obtain a Parking Space in Front of My Residence?

PennDOT does not issue these parking spaces. You must contact your local municipality. Upon the request of a person with a disability, local authorities may erect a sign(s) on the highway as close as possible the individual's residence indicating that the place is reserved for the person with a disability.

Who is a Licensed Health Care Provider?

A health care provider is defined as a physician, chiropractor, podiatrist, physician’s assistant or a certified registered nurse practitioner licensed or certified to practice in this commonwealth or in a contiguous state. A health care provider may only certify disabilities within his or her scope of practice.

How to Apply for a Disabled Veteran Registration Plate

The form to obtain a Disabled Veteran Registration Plate is the MV-145V, “Application for Disabled Veteran, Severely Disabled Veteran Registration Plate or a Severely Disabled Veteran Motorcycle Decal.” Notarization and a fee of $11.00 are required. NOTE: No special parking privileges are associated with this registration plate.

Submit the above form to:

PennDOT Bureau of Motor Vehicles 1101 South Front Street Harrisburg, PA 17104

How to Apply for a Severely Disabled Veteran Registration Plate

The form to obtain a Severely Disabled Veteran Registration Plate is the MV-145V, "Application for Disabled Veteran, Severely Disabled Veteran Registration Plate or a Severely Disabled Veteran Motorcycle Decal.” Notarization and a fee of $11.00 are required. NOTE: In order to qualify for the free yearly registration, the applicant must have a 100 percent service-connected disability by a Veterans Administration regional office administrator ( Philadelphia and Pittsburgh ) or service unit in which the veteran served.

전라남도 사랑밤에서 스웨디시 마사지와 아로마테라피로 완벽한 힐링

전라남도는 아름다운 자연 경관과 함께, 힐링과 휴식을 원하는 사람들에게 최적의 여행지입니다. 특히 사랑밤 휴식 호텔은 여행 중 쌓인 피로를 풀고 몸과 마음을 재충전할 수 있는 완벽한 장소입니다. 사랑밤 에서는 스웨디시 마사지와 아로마테라피 마사지를 ...